Happiness after a great performance!

Fuse Ensemble performing my piece LIKENESS with sculpture by Jeremy Thomas Kunkel and film by AlsoSisters. Who knew the colors would match so well??? Synchronicity.

Fuse Ensemble performs Likeness (2023) as part of Both Sides of the Mirror. Atlas PAC, Washington, DC 3-3-24

Likeness at an die musik

Premiere performance by Fuse Ensemble May 2023. Video by AlsoSisters

Yana Nikol, flute

Angela Murakami, clarinet

Greg Hiser, violin

Pam Clem, cello

Ethan Foote, bass

Ina Mirtcheva Blevins, piano

Scott Deal, percussion

Below, Fuse Ensemble at their performance of Concert for the Trees (Gina Biver 2022), the live film (by Steven Biver) of which premiered at IUPUI’s Earth Day Art Model on Earth Day 2022. Concert for the Trees was performed in the woods of Shenandoah Mountains. Ina Mircheva Blevins, piano, Gina Biver, Greg Hiser, violin, Ethan Foote, bass, Pam Clem, cello, Yana Nikol, flute, Angela Murakami, clarinet, Featuring Special Guests Danielle Krause, soprano, Davide Damiani, baritone. Just before the recording, I lost my baton in the woods, so the stick you see in my hand was used to conduct! Fitting, no? Click HERE to watch the performance.

Fuse Ensemble at St. Stephen and the Incarnation Episcopal Church after the premiere of NIMBUS, Saturday, April, 6, 2019. From left to right: Gina, Tula Pisano, Angela Murakami, Ina Mirtcheva Blevins, Jennifer Lapple, Greg Hiser, Ethan Foote, Erin Snedecor, and Scott Deal

Fuse Ensemble after our performance at St. Stephen and the Incarnation Episcopal Church Washington DC

Ina Mirtcheva and Pam Clem perform The Cellar Door (for piano, cello, 4-channel audio) at the 2016 New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival in June.


Rehearsals for SKETCH, Identity and the Art of Becoming at George Mason University 2016 


BELOW: Fuse Ensemble performing at the Atlas Performing Arts Center in Washington, DC November 7, 2014.  All photos by Max Taylor (thank you Max!) www.maxtaylorphoto.com

BELOW: At the Moog Factory and Studio in Asheville, NC.  Special thanks to Jason Daniello!

BELOW: Live Wire 4 Festival at UMBC Baltimore, October 2013

Live Wire 4 Festival at UMBC Baltimore, October 2013

BELOW: Kennedy Center Millennium Stage January 3, 2013

BELOW: Firehouse Space, Brooklyn NY June 2012

BELOW: National Gallery of Art New Music Ensemble performs at John Cage Centennial  September 2012. I played a transistor radio (fifth from the left) on John Cage’s Imaginary Landscape #4, conducted by Steve Schick.

ABOVE: Verge Ensemble's Jenny Lin and Tobias Werner's premiere of The Cellar Door at Corcoran Gallery of Art, Armand Hammer Auditorium  April 2011

Live performance for the Andy Warhol Headlines Exhibit, 2011 at the East Wing of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC with the National Gallery of Art New Music Ensemble, directed by Steve Antosca.

BELOW: Intermedia Festival, Indiana University IUPUI, Indianapolis Indiana April 2010

BELOW: Andrea Clearfield's Salon, Philadelphia, PA October 2011

BELOW: L'Usina Mechanica Premiere, Katzen Arts Center, American University Washington DC April 2010.  All photos by Max Taylor www.maxtaylorphoto.com

BELOW: Gina was the lead guitar player in Pantara, an all-girl hard rock band in the1980s that now goes by the name of Pantara-84. LEFT: The Ritz, New York City; CENTER: CBGB’s, New York City. BOTTOM LEFT: L’Amour’s in Brooklyn, NY, BOTTOM LEFT: Traxx NYC. Some of our music is included in the soon-to-be released roller derby documentary LIVE FREE. SKATE HARD. (see Gina’s film scoring page). Find us here on Bandcamp and here on facebook because good music is good music, no matter what the genre.

BELOW: Fuse rehearsals, then and now, recording studio days and other fun stuff

Setting up at An die Musik in Baltimore 2023

Rehearsals, back in the day, at Biver Studio in Falls Church